I.C.P.O. Bulletin (23 - 30 May 2014)
"Islands, Castles & Portable Operations"
Listing is by calendar date (day/month/year)
22/05/2014: Pedro, YV4OW/5, will be active from the island of Testigo
Grande (SA-059, WLOTA 0771), Archipelago Los Testigos, Venezuela, between
22-25 May 2014. QRV on 80-6m, low power SSB. QSL via AD5VK, only by direct
mail ((Edgar M Lecuna, 725 Blume Rd Trlr 52, Rosenberg, Texas 77471-4046,
USA)). NO BURO. [DX-World]
23/05/2014: Look for Emir 9A6AA/p from Special ornithological reserve "Mali
bok-Koromacna" (WWFF 9AFF-057) (also: EU-136, Cres island), on 23 May, after
1200Z,on 40 and 20m, SSB... QSL via home call, direct or Bureau. Website:
web.hamradio.hr/9aff/activ_2014.htm [9A6AA]
23/05/2014: A group of Chinese hams will be active from the rare Yongxing
Dao (AS-143, WLOTA 4111, WW Loc. OK66eu), Xisha Islands (Woody Island,
Paracel Islands), South China Sea, Hainan Province, China, as B7CRA.
Activation is now planned for 23rd May 2014 for 5-7 days. The actual
operation period depends on the schedule of the ship. They will only receive
confirmation they can go some 10 hours beforehand. Therefore, this activity
is very last minute. Only one radio is allowed to be on the air 24 hours
around the clock due to the limit of ops by the local authority. Operators
include Terry BA7NQ, Che BA7CK, De BA7JA, Dick BD7YC, Lin BI7IOB and Vange
23/05/2014: Nathaniel, W2NAF and Ethan, K8GU will be active from
Spitsbergen Island (EU-026, WLOTA 0125), Svalbard, as JW/W2NAF and JW/K8GU
between 23-30 May 2014. Activity also planned in the CQWW WPX CW Contest.
QSL via home calls and LoTW. [DX-World]
23/05/2014: Serge, UU5WW, will be active from Hamilton Parish, Bermuda
(NA-005, WLOTA 0201), as UU5WW/VP9 between 23-25 May 2014. QRV mostly CW +
entry in the CQWW WPX CW Contest. QSL via K2PF (OQRS on ClubLog). [DX-World]
24/05/2014: Andy M1LOL and Ray M1REK will be active as MM1REK/p from the
Isle of Muck (IOSA NH06, SCOTIA DI18), Inner Hebrides (EU-008) from 24-31
May 2014. They will be active on 80-10 metre SSB and Data modes. This years
trip has been sponsored by Richard G3CWI of Sotabeams
(www.sotabeams.co.uk/). QSL direct or via the bureau to M1REK. [ZL1AAO]
24/05/2014: Budi, YF1AR, plans activity from Siberut Island (IOTA OC-215,
WW Loc. NI99KC) and Tanjung Sigep lighthouse (ARLHS IDO-379, Admiralty
K0875.7) as YF1AR/5 between 24th May and 1st June 2014. QRV on 40-10m,
mainly SSB with some CW and Digital. QSL direct to N2OO, cba. [YF1AR]
25/05/2014: Operators Francis ON8AZ, Geert ON7USB, Patrick ON7PQ, Luc ON7KZ
and Tim ON5HC will be active as TM4U from Ile Saint-Nicolas, Glenan Islands
(IOTA EU-094, DIFM AT010, Grid Loc. IN87) between 25-30th May 2014. QRV on
160-6m using CW, SSB and the Digital modes. QSL via ON8AZ direct (Francis
Balcaen, Heulebosstraat 33, B-8501 Heule, Belgium) or by the bureau.
Website: www.eu094.be/ [NG3K]
28/05/2014: Masa, JA0RQV, plans to be active as A35JP/p from Hihifo
village, Niuatoputapu [aka Keppel] Island (OC-191) between 28 May and 3
June, 2014. QRV on 80-6 metre CW and SSB using a IC-7000 and vertical
antenna. Activity will be sporadic as Masa will have to rely on generator
and/or car battery for power. Note: in case of flight cancellation, Masa
will activate either Vava'u Island (OC-064) or Tongatapu Island (OC-049)
instead. QSL via home call, Bureau or direct (Masato Tamura, 2086-13
Daitakubo, Minami-ku, Saitama-City, 336-0015 Japan). Website:
blog.goo.ne.jp/rqv [DX-World]
28/05/2014: Klaus, DL7UXG and Ric, DL2VFR plan an IOTA/WFF tour taking in
the following: May 28-29 - EU-101 Bjorkon as OH6/DL7UXG and OH6/DL2VFR. May
29 - June 1 - EU-139 Seskaro as SD3G/2 (QSL via DL7UXG)\ and SD7V/2 (QSL via
DL2VFR). June 1-5 EU-141 Vardo as LA/DL7UXG and LA/DL2VFR incl. one day
first ever (?) activity LAFF-035 (Varangerhalfoya National Park). [DX-World]
29/05/2014: Look for Jaakko OG1J, Kari OH3BJL, Keijo OH3HPV, Ari OH3KAV and
Veikko OH3LB to be active as ES0/OI3V from the island of Hiiumaa (EU-034,
WLOTA 2017, WWFF ESFF-045), West Estonian archipelago, Hiiu County, Estonia,
between 29th May and 1st June. QRV on all bands and modes, propagation
permitting. QSL via Bureau or direct to OI3V. Website: qrz.com/db/OI3V
29/05/2014: Operators Michael K5NOT, Douglas W5BL and Larry W5LJW will be
operating from Aruba (SA-036, WLOTA 0033, Grid Loc. FK42) in a suitcase
vacapedition between 29 May and 4 June 2014. The group callsign should be
P40DM. Aruba likes each person to have an Aruba-based call sign in addition
to the club call (no reciprical agreement) so you may also hear P40TX
(K5NOT), P40DL (W5BL) and P40LW (K5RAU) on the island. QRV on 20-6 metres,
with focus on 10m and 6m. QSL P40DM via the information on QRZ.com. QSL
other calls via the individual operators' home callsign. Website:
www.qrz.com/db/K5NOT/P40DM [rsgbiota.org]
29/05/2014: Operators Eddy ON6EF, Jan ON6VJ and Raf ON5RZ will be active as
PA/OT1S from Terschelling Island (EU-038, WLOTA 0943, Grid Loc. JO23), West
Frisian Islands, from 29-31 May 2014. Plans are to be QRV on 80-6m (incl.
WARC), SSB only. QSL via ON6EF, Bureau preferred. [rsgbiota.org]
30/05/2014: The members of Clube Radioamadores do Entroncamento - CR5CRE,
will be active on the 30th and 31st of May 2014 from Evoramonte Castel (WCA
CT-00047, DCFP C-047, DMHP EV-036 and DMP 0704), located in the Province of
Evora. They plan to work as special callsign CR5EM on all HF bands CW/SSB
and Digital modes. QSL via CS5CRE (see QRZ.com). [RN1CW]
30/05/2014: Sho, JA7HMZ, will again be active from the island of Pohnpei
(OC-010, WW Loc. QJ96CX), Federated States of Micronesia, as V63DX between
30th May and 5th June 2014. QRV on 80-6 metres, all modes. QSL via home
call, direct only (Shoji Igawa, 17 Shirogane-Cho Yokobori, Yuzawa-City,
Akita, 019-0204, Japan). [DX-World]
07/07/2014: Alain, F5LMJ, will be active from Capesterre-Belle-Eau, island
of Guadeloupe (NA-102, DIFO FG-019, WLOTA 0644) as TO5MJ between 7-17th July
2014. QRV on 40-10 metre CW, SSB and Digi-modes. QSL via home call and LoTW.
19/07/2014: Jose, HP2BWJ, will be active from Isla Grande (NA-202, WLOTA
2121), Colon Province, Panama, as H92G during the weekend of 19-20th July
19-20. QRV on 40-10 metres. QSL via HP2BWJ, direct only. NO IRC's please; as
they are not honoured locally. North, Central and South America destinations
US$2.00; Europe, Africa, Asia and PacificRim destinations US$3.00 per
request. [DX-World]
25/07/2014: Ronaldo, PS8RV, will be active from Ilha do Caju [Cashew
Island] (IOTA SA-072) as ZY8D between 25-27th July 2014, including an entry
in the RSGB IOTA Contest. Caju island is located on the northeast of the
ParnaĆba river, Araioses country, Maranhao State, Brazil. QRV on 80-10 metre
CW and SSB. QSL via the information on QRZ.com under ZY8D. [DX-World]
10/08/2014: Giovanni, IZ2DPX will be active from Gingerbread Hill, St.
Peters Parish, island of Montserrat (NA-103, WLOTA 1475, WW Loc. FK86VS), as
VP2MPX between 10-28 August 2014. QRV on 160-6m, SSB. QSL via IK2DUW, direct
or Bureau. ClubLog OQRS will also be available. More info at:
iz2dpx.jimdo.com/dx-pedition/vp2mpx/ [DX-World]
26/05/2014: Members of the Portuguese DX Group (http://gpdx.blogspot.com)
will be active as CS5DX to commemorate their 20th anniversary between 24th
May and 15th June 2014, including participation in the Portugal Day Contest.
QSL to CS5DX, direct or bureau. [425 DX News]
28/05/2014: Regensburg hosts the 99th German Katholikentag (Catholics Day)
from 28th May to 1st June, 2014. Special event station DL2014DKT operates in
this context from 1st April until 30th June, handing out the special DOK
DKTR. QSOs with the station also count towards the CONVENIAT award. QSLs
will be sent automatically via the bureau, uploads to LoTW, eQSL, ClubLog
and DCL. Website: www.darc.de/distrikte/u/13/sondercall-dl2014dkt/ and
www.qrz.com/db/DL2014DKT [DXNL]
28/05/2014: Between 27th of May and 3rd of June 2014 look for the following
stations to be active to celebrate ARRL's centennial year: W1AW/0 will be
operated by the Mid-MO ARC N0SS, located in Jefferson City, Cole County,
State of Missouri. W1AW/7 will be operated by Dwayne WY7FD, located in
Sundance, Crook County, State of Wyoming. QSLs preferred via LoTW. [ARRL]
U.S.A. Special Events can be found at: www.arrl.org/special-event-stations
23/05-28/05 B7CRA: Yongxing Dao WLOTA:4111 QSL BA4EG (d/B)
23/05-30/05 JW/K8GU: Spitsbergen Island WLOTA:0125 QSL H/c (d/B)
23/05-30/05 JW/W2NAF: Spitsbergen Island WLOTA:0125 QSL H/c (d/B)
23/05-25/05 UU5WW/VP9: Hamilton Island WLOTA:0201 QSL K2PF (d)
24/05-25/05 EF8U: Isla de Gan Canaria WLOTA:0969 QSL EA8URL (B)
24/05-25/05 IH9B: Isola di Pantelleria WLOTA:0041 QSL IV3NVN (d)
24/05-25/05 IY9A: Isola di Pantelleria WLOTA:0041 QSL IK2ILH (d/B)
24/05-25/05 MJ5Z: Jersey Island (main) WLOTA:0818 QSL LoTW/M0CFW (d)
24/05-25/05 NP2P: St. Croix Island WLOTA:2477 QSL LoTW
24/05-25/05 P3N: Cyprus Island WLOTA:0051 QSL RW3RN (d)
24/05-01/06 YF1AR/5: Tanjung Sigep WLOL:IDO-379 QSL N2OO (d)
21/05-28/05 PJ4J: Bonaire Island WLOTA:1279 QSL N2ZN (d)
29/05-01/06 ES0/OI3V: Hiiumaa Island WLOTA:2017 QSL H/c (d/B)
29/05-04/06 P40DL: Aruba Island WLOTA:0033 QSL W5BL (d)
29/05-04/06 P40DM: Aruba Island WLOTA:0033 QSL QRZ.com
29/05-04/06 P40LW: Aruba Island WLOTA:0033 QSL K5RAU (d)
29/05-04/06 P40TX: Aruba Island WLOTA:0033 QSL K5NOT (d)
29/05-31/05 PA/OT1S: Terschelling Island WLOTA:0943 QSL ON6EF (B)
23/05-25/05 070 Club Three Day Weekend (PSK31) 6m class 23 0000z-25 2400z
24/05 Memorial OK1WC Activity 6m-241GHz/CW/Phone 0800z-0959z
25/05 Contest Gargano 50 MHz CW/SSB/Fixed/Rover 0800z-1500z
25/05 Hamburg Contest CW/SSB 2m/70cm classes 1200z-1800z
25/05 RSGB 70MHz Cumulatives #3 SO/Fixed/Open 1400z-1600z
25/05-30/05 TM4U: Ile Saint-Nicolas EU-094 Grid:IN87 6m CW/SSB QSL ON8AZ
27/05 LY 2.4GHz & Up Activity Contest CW/SSB/FM 1700z-2059z
27/05 The 50MHz Open Cumulative SO/MO/LP/MP/HP 1700z-2100z
27/05 RSGB 50MHz UKAC SO/Fixed/Open 1900z-2130z
29/05-04/06 P40DL: Aruba SA-036 Grid:FK42 6m CW/SSB QSL W5BL (d)
29/05-04/06 P40DM: Aruba SA-036 Grid:FK42 6m CW/SSB QSL QRZ.com
29/05-04/06 P40LW: Aruba SA-036 Grid:FK42 6m CW/SSB QSL K5RAU (d)
29/05-04/06 P40TX: Aruba SA-036 Grid:FK42 6m CW/SSB QSL K5NOT (d)
29/05-31/05 PA/OT1S: Terschelling Island EU-038 Grid:JO23 6m SSB QSL ON6EF
30/05-05/06 V63DX: Pohnpei OC-010 Grid:QJ96CX 6m all mode QSL JA7HMZ (d)
Contest Calendar: www.qsl.net/va3rj/con_may.html
Information about current VHF activities can be found on the VHF DX portal
"Make More Miles on VHF" at: www.MMMonVHF.de/
SMIRK: www.smirk.org/
SOTA (Summits On The Air) Watch Alerts at: www.sotawatch.org/
The following operation is approved for DXCC credit:
VU4K - Andaman and Nicobar Island
2014 Operation
73 es DX!
Bill Moore NC1L
Awards Branch Manager
QSLs via Bureau: AO1AAW, AO1IMD, D64K, DQ25GRENZE, EA2OSA, EH200D, HG0HQ,
Z60WW and Z81D.
QSLs via Direct: 4J0SFR (QRZ.com), 4S7DFG (OQRS), 4S7FRG (OQRS), 4S7LXG
OA4/N7CW (H/c OQRS), PJ5/K3TRM (OQRS), S9TF (IK5CRH), V85TL (QRZ.com),
VP2V/SP6CIK (OQRS), XZ1J (JH1AJT), YB3MM/8 [OC-219] (H/c), YB8XM/P [OC-076]
(H/c), YB8XM/P [OC-224] (H/c), YE3I (YB3EDD) and ZL7/OE2SNL (OQRS).
QSLs via LoTW: HC2AO and XT26DJ.
Look for Emir 9A6AA/p from Special ornithological reserve "Mali
bok-Koromacna" (WWFF 9AFF-057) (also: EU-136, Cres island), on 23 May, after
1200Z,on 40 and 20m, SSB... QSL via home call, direct or Bureau. Website:
web.hamradio.hr/9aff/activ_2014.htm [9A6AA]
Jorge, CE3OJZ, will soon be active from Base Teniente Rodolfo Marsh Martin
[Air Force] (WAP CHL-10, WWFF CEFF-045, WW Loc. GC07MT), King George Island
(WLOTA 0313), South Shetland Islands (IOTA AN-010) as CE9OJZ. QRV on the HF
bands, propagation allowing. Direct QSL card via XQ7UP. Log will be uploaded
to LoTW. [DX-World]
In honour of the 50th IOTA anniversary, IIHG (Indonesian Islands Hunter
Group) is sponsoring an expedition to several islands in the OC-209 group.
YB8RW/P will lead a group of operators from several islands in Talaud Group
OC209 as follows:
24-27 May Kabaruan Island (NEW Activation for Nusantara Indonesian Islands
27-28 May Salibabu Island
28-30 May Saraa Besar and Saraa Kecil (10 minutes by boat ride to one
another, so there will be two teams, please listen for location)
Operators include: YB8RW/P veteran of the OC-209, 210 islands; YB8UTI/P
resident of Karakelong Island; YB8SOC/P resident of Salibabu island.
Newcomers: YC8SFS/P, YD8TWW/P and YD8UNH/P.
QSL for this operation via YB3MM. [DX-World]
Lisa, KJ6GHN (ex V73/KJ6GHN), is now based on Wake Island (OC-053, WLOTA
2293), as of 15 May 2014, for the next 2-3 years. As time permits she will
be active on HF bands, SSB and Digi-modes as KH9/KJ6GHN. QSL via home call
and LoTW. [DX-World]
World traveller Vlad, UA4WHX, is QRV as of 16th May from Totness (WW Loc.
GJ15UV), Coronie district, Suriname, as PZ5VB. As always, length of stay is
unknown. QRV 80-10 metre CW, RTTY and SSB. QSL via home call (see QRZ.com).
[DX Summit]
** CQWW WPX CW Contest **
The following stations have announced their participation in the CQWW WPX
CW Contest Contest (24-25 May, 2014):
03 VB7X BC, Canada TBD QSL VA7DZ (d)/LoTW
07 W1UE/HR9 Honduras M/S QSL H/c (d)
07 YN2GY Nicaragua SOABLP QSL K9GY (d)/LoTW
07 YS1YS El Salvador (Op JA6WFM) SOSB(20m)LP QSL YS1GMV (d)
08 NP2P Virgin Islands SOAB QSL LoTW
08 UU5WW/VP9 Bermuda TBD QSL K2PF (d)/ClubLog OQRS
08 WP3C Puerto Rico SOABLP QSL W3HNK (d)/LoTW
09 P40A Aruba SOAB QSL WD9DZV (d)/LoTW
09 P44W Aruba SOABLP QSL N2MM (d)/LoTW
09 P49Y Aruba SOAB QSL to AE6Y or LoTW
09 PJ4J Bonaire M/S QSL N2ZN (d)/LoTW
10 HC2AO Ecuador SOSB(160m)HP QSL LoTW
13 CV3D Uruguay M/S QSL CX2ABC (d)/LoTW
14 CS2W Portugal M/S QSL HB9CRV (d)/LoTW
14 EH2OLA Spain M/S QSL EA2URD (d/B)/LoTW
14 LX7I Luxembourg M/2 QSL LX2A (d/B)
14 MJ5Z Jersey SOABLP QSL M0CFW (d)/LoTW
14 TM1A France (Provins ARC) M/S or M/2 QSL F6KOP (B)/LoTW
15 IY1GMS Italy M/2 QSL IK1SPR (d)/LoTW
15 LY4A Lithuania M/2 QSL LY4A (d)/LoTW
15 OG0A Aland SOSB(10m)HP QSL OH2BH
15 OG9X Finland M/? QSL LoTW
20 4Z4DX Israel SOAB QSL
20 P3N Cyprus M/S QSL RW3RN (d)/LoTW
20 SW8WW Greece SO/MB QSL HA0HW (d)/LoTW
20 TC3D Turkey SOABLP QSL TA3D (d)/LoTW
21 4K6FO Azerbaijan SOABLP QSL LoTW
24 BD1IIJ China SOSB(15m) QSL QRZ.com/LoTW
26 XW1YC Laos SOAB QSL W5UE (d)/LoTW
26 XW7T Laos SOAB QSL PE7T (d)/LoTW
28 YE1K Indonesia M/M QSL ye1zat.wordpress.com/
32 ZL3X New Zealand M/2 QSL ZL3PAH (d/B)
33 EF8U Canary Islands SOABHP QSL EA8URL (d/B)/LoTW
35 9G5ZZ Ghana SO QSL DL1CW (d)
37 7QNL Malawi SO QSL PA1AW (d)
(d) = Direct; (B) = Bureau; (d/B) = Direct or Bureau.
Be sure to check Bill's (NG3K) website for updated CQWW WPX CW Contest
information at: ng3k.com/Misc/wpxc2014.html ....... Good luck to all
participants & have fun!
73 and Good DX!
Dave Raycroft, VA3RJ
Home of I.C.P.O. & VEFF Program: http://www.qsl.net/va3rj/
Join the VEFF (Flora & Fauna) Forum at: groups.yahoo.com/group/VEFF/
Subscribe to ICPO Mailing List: http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/icpo
North American Checkpoint For:
World Lighthouses On The Air - WLOTA
Canadian Checkpoint For:
All Croatian Islands Award - ACIA
All Croatian Islands Award Group - ACIAG
The World Lighthouse Diplom - TWLHD/TWLHF
Official Representative & Co-Ordinator of WCA program for Canada.
Official Representative & Co-Ordinator of WorldWide Flora & Fauna (WWFF)
WWFF-council-member (representing VEFF).
Thursday, May 22, 2014
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