on 9:02 PM

Helsinki, Finland
December 30, 2013


Callsign: OG0A
Dates: January 3 through January 13, 2014

Following the success of recent low-band operations by Z81X and OF9X, closely on
the heels of Santa Claus and capitalizing on the current season  of almost total
darkness in Northern Europe, a sub-group of those two teams will be heading to
Aland Islands to activate OG0A on low bands and WARC bands.

The OH0X contest site will be used as the base camp with 160M slopers for the US
and Japan and a 2-L 80M beam atop a 42-meter (140ft) rotating tower.  Main
activity will be on CW, but SSB/RTTY will also be used occasionally.

Operators: Mari, OH2FPK (YL); Rami, OH2BCI; Martti, OH2BH; Pertti, OH2PM  and
Pekka, OH2TA.


This operation is dedicated to the Youth On The Air (YOTA) summer camp due to be
organized in Finland from July 15 through July 22, 2014 with two  young YLs -
Mari, OH2FPK and Kati, OH2FKX - in charge. They will be hosting  fifteen (15)
young European teams from the same number of countries  acquainting themselves
with the many faces of Amateur Radio: presentations, competitions, visits to
radio stations, workshops, ARDF etc. at the height  of the Finnish summer
season. The activity is sanctioned by IARU Region 1 and supported by the
European Union.

See <http://www.ham-yota.eu/> and <http://www.qrz.com/db/OH2FPK>

All OQRS QSL requests for OF9X and OG0A with donations will be directed to
cover the costs
of this healthy youth activity in Finland. You can OQRS OF9X and OG0A
respectively via  their QRZ.com page.

I.C.P.O. Bulletin (27 December 2013 - 03 January 2014)

on 5:16 PM

I.C.P.O. Bulletin (27 December 2013 - 03 January 2014)
"Islands, Castles & Portable Operations"
Listing is by calendar date (day/month/year)
To all readers:
I wish you a HAPPY, HEALTHY & PEACEFUL NEW YEAR 2014 !!!
[ Full of lots of DX too!!! ;o) ]
28/12/2013:  On 28-29th December 2013, look for Gil, F4FET/p and Diego, F4HAU/p
who have plans (weather permitting) to be active from Tombelaine Island (EU-156,
DIFM MA-021, WWFF FFF-612). QRV with 2 stations on 80-10m SSB and PSK from
28/12/2013 9h30 to 29/12/2013 9h30. QSL both callsigns via F4HAU, direct (Diego
Thobie, 88, Le Parc, 44750 Quilly, France) or via the REF bureau. [DX World]

28/12/2013:  Take, JI3DST, plans activity from Kuchino Island, Tokara Islands
(AS-049) between 28th December 2013 and 3rd January 2014, using the callsign
JI3DST/6. QRV on 80-10 metres, all modes. QSL via home call, bureau preferred
(please check QRZ.com). Website: blog.goo.ne.jp/ji3dst [rsgbiota.org]

28/12/2013:  Ric, DL2VFR, plans to be active as OU1RAEM from Romo Island
(EU-125, DIA NS-001), Wadden Sea National Park (WWFF OZFF-004) between 28-31
December, 2013. QRV on the HF bands, mainly CW. QSL via DF5LW, direct or bureau.
Additionally auto-QSL for IOTA and participation in RAEM-contest (29 December).

31/12/2013:  Once again Rich, PA0RRS will be active as 9M2MRS from Pinang Island
(AS-015, WLOTA 2952) from 31 December 2013 until 23 February 2014. He will
operate CW, RTTY and PSK on 40-10 metres. QSL via home call, direct or bureau,
as well as LoTW and eQSL. [425 DX News]

01/01/2014:  John, 9H5G, plans to be active as 9H5G/C6A from Stocking Island,
Great Bahama Bank (NA-001), between 1-31 January, 2014. John operates mostly HF
(160-10m), typically SSB, PSK/RTTY/JT65/JT9. He has just one radio - the
excellent TS-480HX accompanied by an LDG AT200 Pro II tuner. QSL is OK LoTW,
eQSL or Direct to Buzz NI5DX. Note: During 2014, John plans several activations
in the Caribbean area - stand-by for updates. Website: www.qrz.com/db/9H5G

01/01/2014:  Ric, DL2VFR, plans to be active as OZ/DL2VFR from Romo Island
(EU-125, DIA NS-001), Wadden Sea National Park (WWFF OZFF-004), between 1-3
January, 2014. This will be a HF CW only operation. QSL via home call, direct or
bureau. Website: www.iota-expedition.com/ [rsgbiota.org]

02/01/2014:  An international team of operators led by Francesco, IK0FVC, will
be active as 1A0KM from the Sovereign Military Order of Malta (SMOM) between 2-7
January 2014. QSL via IK0FTA. Log will be uploaded to LoTW. Look for more
details to be forthcoming. [OPDX Bulletin]

02/01/2014:  Look for Bob, YV5IAL to be active from Valparaiso, Republic of
Chile (WW Loc. FF46EW) as CE2/homecall between 2-30 January 2014. QRV on 40-10
metres using PSK-31 with some SSB. QSL via home call, bureau or direct. [DXAT]

02/01/2014:  Look for Uwe, DL9NDS and Ewald, DJ2BQ to once again be active from
Omaruru, Namibia, as V5/homecalls between 2-18 January, 2014. QRV on the HF, all
modes. QSL via home calls, direct or bureau. Club Log and OQRS will be available
for V5/DJ2BQ and online log and OQRS for V5/DL9NDS will be available on Uwe's
website at: www.dl9nds.de/ [DX World]

03/01/2014:  Francis, F6BLP, will again be QRV as 6W7SK from Saly Portudal,
Senegal, between 3-31 January, 2014. QRV mainly CW on 80-10 metres. If possible
he also hopes to be active on 160M with an Inverted L. QSL via LoTW, eQSL,
direct, French bureau (REF). Previous 6W7RK activity can be found at:
www.f6blp.org/ [DX World]


04/01/2014:  Vittorio, I2GPT will be active as 5H1VC from Zanzibar Island
(AF-032, WLOTA 1080, WWFF 5HFF-003) from 4-12th January 2014 as 5H1VC.
Operations will be in CW and, for the first time, in RTTY ("it's the very first
time for me in this mode, so be patient."). Bands: 40 to 10 mt in CW and ONLY 20
mt in RTTY. QSL manager will be RW6HS Vasiliy. Please, send cards requests to
RW6HS, direct (QRZ.com) or by the bureau. [DX World]

01/02/2014:  Look for special event station TM11AAW to be on air on 1, 2, 7, 8,
9, 10, 14 to 23 February 2014. Activity is to celebrate the 11th Antarctic
Activity Week. Operation will be made by Francois F8DVD from his Qth of Macon in
the east part of France, 60 km, North of Lyon. The new reference for WAP program
is 245. Operations will be from 10 to 40 metres, mostly SSB. QSL via F8DVD,
direct (SAE + 1 new IRC or 2 USD) or via the bureau. For more details, visit:
tm11aaw.monsite-orange.fr or www.qrz.com/db/TM11AAW . Francois Bergez 6, rue de
la Liberte F- 71000 MACON FRANCE. a.pole[AT]laposte[DOT]net [NG3K]

03/02/2014:  Andy, VK5MAV, will be QRV from Kangaroo Island (OC-139, WLOTA
0869), between 3-10 February 2014. QRV on 40-10m, mostly CW, holiday style.
Logsearch and QSL requests via the ClubLog OQRS system. [DX World]

11/02/2014:  Ewald, 7P8ID, will be in Lesotho between 11-16th February 2014 and
plans to be active on 40-6 metre 100 Watt SSB, using the callsign 7P8ID. QSL
goes direct only to DK3ID or OE8IDK (QRZ.com). [DX World]

12/02/2014:  Kasimir, DL2SBY will be active from the Republic of Maldives
(AS-013) between 12-24 February 2014. During his stay he will visit
Ziyaaraifushi Island, North Male Atoll (12-18 February) and Fihalhohi Island,
South Male Atoll (18-24 February). Plans are to be QRV on 30-10m, SSB, CW and
RTTY. RIG: FT900AT + Amplifier ACOM 1010. Antenna triple-leg for 20-10 mtrs band
including WARC / maybe 30m band. SSB + CW at 600 Watts, RTTY at 300 Watts. QSL
via DL2SBY, bureau, direct as well as through PayPal request. Log will be
uploaded to ClubLog. Website: www.qrz.com/db/8Q7KB [DX World]


The ISWL Club Callsigns in use throughout the month of January 2014 are:
GX4BJC /A - Operated from Great Sutton, in Cheshire, by Geof - M0BAU. (WAB
Square = SJ37 - England, IOTA = EU-005 and WLOTA = LH-1841).
MX1SWL /A - Operated from Skegby, in Nottinghamshire, by Merv - G0UJD. (/A WAB
Square = SK56 - England, IOTA = EU-005 and WLOTA = LH-1841).
ALL QSL's for BOTH Calls will be handled by Herbie G6XOU and NOT the individual
The I.S.W.L. is a member of the European PSK Club.
All QSL Info is on www.iswl.org.uk/ or www.qrz.com/ or via www.eQSL.cc/ NO LOTW.
I.S.W.L. Awards are available to all Hams and SWL's - see www.iswl.org.uk/ for
full details. eQSL.cc cards ARE welcomed for our awards.
Very best wishes to all,
Pete Rayer, ISWL Life Vice President, Bournemouth, UK.

01/01/2014:  Special callsign 8J7T will be active on all bands and modes during
the entire year of 2014. Activity is to celebrate the Birth of Takizawa-city
(JCC #0316), Iwate prefecture, Tohoku region, island of Honshu (AS-007, WLOTA
2376), Japan. New JCC Takizawa city, IWATE (JCC 0316) will be established on 1
January, 2014. [JJ1WTL/AC6IM]

01/01/2014:  Members of the Danish Radio Amateurs will activate the special
event callsign 5P14EHC between 1-31st January, 2014. Activity is to celebrate
Denmark hosting the "European Handball Championship for Men" event between
12-26th January. QRV on all bands and modes. The of operators of 5P14EHC will be
Joergen OZ0J, Henning OZ1BII, Kjeld OZ1CCM, Preben OZ1HHH, Palle OZ2PBS, Poul
OZ2PJ, Jesper OZ3AEV, Carsten OZ4CG, Karsten OZ4FF and Gorm OZ6GH. All QSOs will
be verified via LoTW and eQSL. Paper QSLs may be requested via ClubLog OQRS or
direct to OZ0J with S.A.E. and 1 IRC or 3 USDs to cover return postage. PLEASE
available (Gold/Silver/Bronze). Website: www.oz5md.dk/5p14ehc [OPDX Bulletin]

01/01/2014:  Look for special event station DB50FIRAC to be active between 1st
January and 31st December 2014 to celebrate the 50th anniversary of "Federation
Internationale des RadioAmateurs Cheminots". QSL via LoTW, by the bureau or
eQSL. [OPDX Bulletin]

01/01/2014:  Tom, LA4LN, NRRL HF Traffic Manager, reports that during all of the
year 2014, Norwegian LA stations may use the LI (Lima India) prefix, and LB
stations may use the LJ (Lima Juliet) prefix, as part of the celebration of 200
years since the Norwegian Constitution, which was approved on 17 May 1814. QSL
will be via the respective LA and LB permanent callsign. The special prefixes
may only be used from the Norwegian mainland. There will also be a special
station active, with the callsign: LM1814 (QSL via LA2G). The Norwegian Radio
Relay League (NRRL) plans to offer a special award for contacts with the jubilee
stations with LI and LJ prefixes plus the special station LM1814. More info to
follow. [OPDX Bulletin]

01/01/2014:  The Michurinsk Contest Group, Michurinsk, Russia, will air the
special event callsignstation RG22RQ on all bands and modes between 1 January
and 31 March 204 to celebrate the Sochi Winter Olympics. QSL via RN3RQ, direct
or bureau and LoTW. OQRS on ClubLog will also be available. [425 DX News]

01/01/2014:  Look for special event station RJ22DX on all bands and modes from
Kaliningrad Oblast, Kaliningrad, between 1 January and 31 March 204 to celebrate
the Sochi Winter Olympics. QSL via RN3RQ, direct or bureau and LoTW. OQRS on
ClubLog will also be available. [425 DX News]

01/01/2014:  The FCC has authorized the Maxim Memorial Station W1AW to also use
the call sign W100AW during 2014, the ARRL's centennial year. Contacts made from
the Maxim Memorial Station in Newington, from regional Centennial conventions,
and during the IARU HF Championship will use W100AW, with portable designators
as appropriate. The "W1AW WAS" operations throughout 2014 from each of the 50
states will use W1AW, not W100AW. [ARRL]


31/12-23/2/14 9M2MRS: Pulau Pinang WLOTA:2952 QSL PA0RRS (d/B)
- 2014 -
01/01-31/01  GX4BJC /A: England (main island) WLOTA:1841 QSL QRZ.com
01/01-31/01  MX1SWL /A: England (main island) WLOTA:1841 QSL QRZ.com
01/01-15/01  ZX8DX: Pedra do Sal DFB:PI-03 WLOL:BRA-070 WLOTA:2825 QSL PT7CG (d)


27/12  RSGB Christmas Cumulatives 6m-70cm/All modes  1400z-1600z
28/12  RAC Canada Winter Contest 6m-70cm classes  0000z-2359z
28/12  RSGB Christmas Cumulatives 6m-70cm/All modes  1400z-1600z
29/12  RSGB Christmas Cumulatives 6m-70cm/All modes  1400z-1600z
30/12  DSW 2M Contest SSB/CW/FM  1300z-1430z
- 2014 -
01/01  ARRL Straight Key Night 6m & Up classes  0000z-2359z
01/01-31/01  Ross Hull Memorial VHF/UHF 6m & Up  01 0000z-31 2400z
01/01  AGCW VHF/UHF Contest 144MHz CW/SO/QRO/QRP  1400z-1700z
01/01  AGCW VHF/UHF Contest 432MHz CW/SO/QRO/QRP  1700z-1800z
01/01  MOON Contest 144MHz CW/Digital/FM/SSB  1900z-2100z

Contest Calendars:

Information about current VHF activities can be found on the VHF DX portal "Make
More Miles on VHF" at: www.MMMonVHF.de/

SMIRK: www.smirk.org/
SOTA (Summits On The Air) Watch Alerts at: www.sotawatch.org/


If you're waiting on S21ZBC LOTW QSL's you might need to wait a bit longer :)
Had an email from their QSL manager for OQRS orders to say they are still
waiting on certificates from ARRL.
As soon as they have them then they will load up QSL's ordered by OQRS.
[Simon ZL4PLM]

QSLs via Bureau: 9M2RDX, 9M2CQC, 9Q6AL, AA5AT, DJ3FS, DK2CH, DL2HWH, DL4FCH,
VE3KI, VK1WJ, VU-002, W5FK, W9II, Z81X and ZK3N.

QSLs via Direct: 4X1FQ (AA4V), 5J0R (EA5RM OQRS), 6V7T (F5RAV), C5DXC (QRZ.com),
CR5CW [EU-145] (CT7ACG), EF3EGB [EU-078] (QRZ.com), FO/G4MFW (9V1FJ), FO/KH0PR
HQ4W [NA-060] (KD4POJ), J3/WJ7R (H/c), J87GU (QRZ.com), JX9JKA (LA9JKA), K5T
[NA-119] (AB5EB), LX2A (QRZ.com), NT5V/KP2 (H/c) and P29VNX (JA1NLX OQRS).

XE2S, XE2X, XZ1J, Z81X, ZF2EZ and ZP9MCE.


TROMELIN 2014 - OFFICIAL PRESS RELEASE (24 December 2013) -
Hi friends,
  Most of the DXers consider entities as check boxes to tick once the country
is worked and confirmed. That's the game! However, we hope to bring you a lot
more than just a simple check mark as you discover our next destination. Let's
talk about the 9th most wanted DXCC entity according to the Clublog statistics,
an empty box for 75% of the amateur radio community.
  Tromelin, as well as Glorioso, Juan de Nova, Europa, belongs to the
'Eparses', a French word to name these small islands scattered around
Madagascar. These French territories are administered by the TAAF (Terres
Australes et Antarctiques Françaises). Their access is strictly controlled and
regulated in particular for ecological reasons. Tromelin is the smallest one (1
square km) and the human impact is all the more sensitive. That's the only
island where there are no French military troops and only 2 agents of the TAAF
are posted there continuously.
  The last operation took place in 2000. A 4 men team made 50,000 contacts with
the callsign FR/F6KDF/T. No authorization has been given ever since.
  2014 will be the 60th anniversary of the 1st hamradio activity from Tromelin.
The operator was Marc FB8BK/T.
  Today, after some successful collaborative work with the TAAF authorities, we
are proud to announce that we received our landing permission and got the green
light to conduct an amateur radio operation on this remote island.
  We'll be active on Tromelin from October 30th to November 10th, 2014. 6
operators have been allowed to stay of the island. They have been selected for
their experience and all six are ready to face the challenge. The team is made
up of Seb F5UFX, Michel FM5CD, Flo F5CWU, Eric F5SIH, Franck F4AJQ, Fred F5ROP.
  The request is huge and we are conscious of this. For this reason, we are
working hard in order to prepare our operation in depth. Some places in the
world will have short openings and we'll do our best to exploit these short
moments with proper planning adjusted with the help of pilots.
  The coming months will be devoted to the search of sponsors. We already have
part of the equipment but partnership with equipment suppliers will be
essential. On the other hand, we will contact foundations, clubs, organizations
to request assistance to help us balance our budget, estimated at $90,000, most
of which is devoted to logistic costs.
  Our website is online. All details regarding the progress, plans of the
DXpedition and sponsorship opportunities will be accessible through dedicated
pages. http://www.tromelin2014.com
  We will regularly keep updating you until our departure.
  Team Tromelin 2014
  Seb F5ufx, leader[AT]tromelin2014[DOT]com
  [Forwarded with 88/73 and Season's greetings by Maurice, F5NQL (F6KOP team
member n° 10)]

From the Offices of Santa Claus, Lapland, Finland -
  This year, Santa Claus of Amateur Radio fame was somewhat different than in
the past. A total of fifteen (15) radio operating elves and their support
personnel brought Santa and Christmas cheer to ham families in a very special
way, with several added elements to highlight the Festive Season. Not only were
some 21.000 QSOs uploaded to ClubLog but associated with these QSOs were many
interesting occasions when Santa was in personal contact with children all aross
the world. Those are moments to be treasured!
  Of those 21.000 QSOs, a sizable proportion were made on CW as well as on low
bands, utilizing state-of-the-art remote technology of Radio Arcala, OH8X.
Moreover, extensive special hardware elsewhere was employed to add to highly
dedicated operators in the Far North. Everyone was determined to push their
personal Christmas envelope to its limit.
  Santa would like to summarize your eligibility for the Santa Claus (CW) Award
which you can order by email at of9x@sral.fi  You can check your QSOs at
  1: You have a QSO with OF9X on SSB & CW - also 2012 Santa QSOs count.
  2: You have only one 2013 QSO with OF9X - here correct passwords from the
Christmas Puzzle at qrz.com would compensate.
  Additionally, you can A:) order a bureau card, B:) direct airmail QSL cards,
and C:) a direct Award and QSL cards through ClubLog's OQRS facility. See again
the QRZ.com re: OF9X.
  Thank you for contacting Santa on many modes and bands during Christmas 2013.
Hopefully we will meet again next year.
  OF9X Santa Claus and his elves

3C0BYP, Annobon Island (AF-039) -
Elmo, EA5BYP, reports that "pretty soon I will be operating my new callsign
3C0BYP from Annobon Island". In addition, he will use 3C4BYP from Bioko Island,
Equatorial Guinea. Full details to follow....

7Q7GIA, Malawi -
Kenneth, LA7GIA, reports that he received his license today (24 December) to
operate from Lilongwe, Malawi, as 7Q7GIA. Activity will take place for one week
in May/June 2014. More info to follow....

T6EUPOL, Afghanistan -
T6EUPOL, the official ham radio station of the European Union Police (EUPOL)
Mission in Kabul, Afghanistan, operated by Janusz, AK4JK, will be QRV on all
bands and modes. QSL only direct to AK4JK (Janusz Babol Vel Sobczyk, 8433
Southside Blvd, APT#2711, Jacksonville, FL 32256, USA).

VK7HVK/p, Bruny Island (OC-233) -
UPDATE - Scott, VK7HVK/p will again be active from Bruny Island OC-233 on
December 28th. Details of his station and QSL info on QRZ.com.

YF1AR/8 & YB4IR/8, Kisar Island (OC-272) -
Due to bad weather conditions, the return flight home was cancelled today
meaning the operation is extended until 27th December 2013.

ZX8DX, Grande de Santa Isabel (SA-025) -
UPDATE - Planned activity now delayed until early or mid-January 2014.

73 and Good DX!
Dave Raycroft, VA3RJ
Home of I.C.P.O. & VEFF Program: www.qsl.net/va3rj/
Join the VEFF (Flora & Fauna) Forum at: groups.yahoo.com/group/VEFF/
Subscribe to ICPO Mailing List: mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/icpo
North American Checkpoint For:
World Lighthouses On The Air - WLOTA
Canadian Checkpoint For:
All Croatian Islands Award - ACIA
All Croatian Islands Award Group - ACIAG
The World Lighthouse Diplom - TWLHD/TWLHF
Official Representative & Co-Ordinator of WCA program for Canada.
Official Representative & Co-Ordinator of WorldWide Flora & Fauna (WWFF) Canada.
WWFF-council-member (representing VEFF).

I.C.P.O. Bulletin (20-27 December 2013)

on 4:05 AM

I.C.P.O. Bulletin (20-27 December 2013)
"Islands, Castles & Portable Operations"
Listing is by calendar date (day/month/year)
Season's Greetings! - This will likely be our last mailing before the holidays
are upon us and I would like to take this opportunity to wish all readers a
safe and Happy Holiday.

20/12/2013:  Bill, K9HZ, will once again visit Kralendijk, island of Bonaire
(SA-006, WLOTA 1279, WWFF PAFF-024, Grid Loc. FK52) and be active as PJ4/K9HZ
between 20th December 2013 and 4th January 2014. QRV on 80-6 metres using
portable beam antennas and wires. QSL via home call, direct or LoTW and eQSL.
PLEASE no Buro. [rsgbiota.org]

21/12/2013:  Sigi, DK9FN, plans to be active from Lomlom Island (OC-065), Temotu
Province, as H40FN between 21st December 2013 and 10th January 2014. Plans are
to be QRV on all HF bands using Elecraft KX3 (10 W) TVR + PA WiMo HLA-300 Plus
(300 W), Vertical L-Antenna for 160/80/40m fed with 600 Ohm Twincable and 40-10m
G5RV Inverted Vee. QSL goes via DK9FN, direct or bureau. Website:
www.qrz.com/db/H40FN [NG3K]

21/12/2013:  After the terrible earthquake and tsunami on 6th February 2013 a
group of Radio Amateurs founded the Temotu Aid Radio Club (TARC). They are
organizing aid for the local people, especially supporting the LATA hospital.
Therefore the next upcoming DX-expedition activity will be from 21st December
2013 to 10th January 2014 from Lata, Nendo Island (OC-100), Temotu Province.
Donations to support the local hospital are most welcome. The travel costs for
the expedition will be fully financed by the operators themselves. So your
donation goes straight 100% to LATA hospital. Activity as H40TA will be on CW
and SSB. QSL and donation info to follow. [DX World]

21/12/2013:  Imam YB4IR, Budi YF1AR and Joppy YB8XM plan to be active as
YB4IR/8, YF1AR/8 and YB8XM/p, respectively, from Pulau Kisar (OC-272, WW Loc.
PI31NW) from 21-25 December 2013. They will be QRV on 40-10 metre CW and SSB.
QSL YB4IR/8 direct to YB4IR and also via OQRS, LoTW and the bureau. QSL YF1AR/8
via N2OO and ClubLog OQRS. QSL YB8XM/p via home call (see QRZ.com). Further
information at: www.yf1ar.com/2013/12/kisar-island-oc-272-new-iota.html [JN6RZM]

22/12/2013:  Wolfgang, DH3WO, will be back in Lesotho from December 22nd to
December 24th, 2013 operating holiday style as 7P8WO, from Roma Lodge, as time
allows. All QSL via bureau or direct to DH3WO home address (NOT via DL7JAN).
Please remember sufficient postage --- 2 US Dollars or 1 IRC., otherwise the
QSLs will be sent via the bureau. [DX World]

22/12/2013:  Nao, JN1RVS, will be active as PJ5/K6NAO from the island of St.
Eustatius (NA-145, WLOTA 1851, WWFF PAFF-025) between 22-29 December 2013. QRV
on 40-10m, CW, RTTY/PSK. QSL via OQRS/JA1HGY. Online log is hosted by ClubLog.
[DX World]

24/12/2013:  Dietmar, DL3DXX, will be active from Outjo, Namibia, as V5/DL3DXX
between 24th December 2013 and 8th January 2014. QRV on 160-10m, mainly CW. QSL
via home call, direct or bureau. Online log search will be hosted by Club Log.
[DX World]

26/12/2013:  Once again Joe, K5KUA will be active as K5KUA/5 from Galveston
Island (NA-143, USi TX-001S), Galveston county, Texas, from 26 December to 1
January 2013. He usually operates CW only on 40-10 metres. QSL via home call,
direct or bureau. Logsearch is hosted on ClubLog. [425 DX News]

26/12/2013:  Raimundo, PT7CG, will be active from Ilha Grande de Santa Isabel
(IOTA SA-025) and lighthouse (DFB PI-03, ARLHS BRA-070, WLOTA 2825, WW Loc.
GI97DE) as ZX8DX between 26-30 December 2013. QRV on the HF bands propagation
allowing. QSL via PT7CG and LoTW. [DX World]


01/01/2014:  Special callsign 8J7T will be active on all bands and modes during
the entire year of 2014. Activity is to celebrate the Birth of Takizawa-city
(JCC #0316), Iwate prefecture, Tohoku region, island of Honshu (AS-007, WLOTA
2376), Japan. New JCC Takizawa city, IWATE (JCC 0316) will be established on 1
January, 2014. [JJ1WTL/AC6IM]

ANNIVERSARY OF RADIO NIEPOKALANÓW - St. Maximilian founded the first private
radio station in Poland, Radio Niepokalanów. As only government broadcasting
stations were allowed in the 1920's, he was permitted orally to use rather an
amateur callsign for test transmissions. After a course of training in amateur
radio, he chose the SP3RN callsign and transmitted near the 40 m amateur radio
band in 1938. St. Maximilian was murdered in the German Nazi Auschwitz
Concentration Camp after he volunteered his life for the life of another inmate
who had been randomly sentenced to death. The following special-event stations
will operate to celebrate the two Anniversaries: 3Z120SMK II2SMK (8-28 January
2014) and HF120MK SN0MMK SN120MK SN120MMK; HF0RN SN0RN SN75RN (8 January - 14
August 2014). QSL via the operators' instructions. Polish and Italian Awards
will be available for QSO's (HRD's) with those stations. Websites:
http://stmaximiliansp3rn.blogspot.com; http://sp9jpa.blogspot.com [SP9JPA]

16/01/2014:  Craig, MM0SSG, is returning to Luanda, Angola, on 16th January 2014
and will be active, when work permits, until December 2014. QRV on 80-10m SSB,
PSK31 and CW. QSL via GM4FDM and LoTW. [DX World]

01/02/2014: UPDATE, CHANGE OF DATES: A DXpedition to the Italian village
"Palumbo Reef Resort", on Uroa beach, Zanzibar Island (AF-032, WLOTA 1080, WWFF
5HFF-003), tentative callsign 5I0DX is being planned for 1-10th February, 2014.
Activity on HF bands; SSB, PSK and RTTY. Team members include Fred IK7JWX,
Leopoldo I8LWL, Stefano IK6JRI, Ciclane IZ6JOD, Luca IS0AGY, Ampelio IZ8LFI and
Elvira IV3FSG. The DXpedition will also be humanitarian with donation of
medicines to the "Italy Day Hospital". Website under construction. [IK7JWX]

01/02/2014:  John IK5BCM, Beppe IK5CBE and John IK5CRH will be active as S9TF
from Principe Island (AF-044, WLOTA 2000) between 1-12 February, 2014. QRV on
80-10m CW, SSB and RTTY. QSL via IK5CRH and LoTW. Website:
gmiross.wix.com/principe-is-2014 [DX World]

06/02/2014:  Ulf, DL5AXX, will be returning to Mor-Gan Villa, L'Anse aux Epines,
island of Grenada (NA-024, WLOTA 0718, WW Loc. FK92DC) between 6-18 February
2014 using the callsign J38XX. QRV on all HF bands and modes, including a
Single-Op/All-Band entry in the ARRL DX CW Contest (15-16 February). QSL via
home call. Online log will be hosted by ClubLog. Online QSL requests please at
www.dl5axx.de/dxlog [DXAT]

15/02/2014:  Carol, KA4WJR (ARLHS Member #1881), reports that special event
callsign N4N will be be activated by her group from the Mount Dora Lake
Lighthouse (ARLHS USA-1407) for the 140th Anniversary of the 1st Settlers in
Mount Dora. The lighthouse is located on Lake Dora at the entrance of the Port
of Mount Dora in Mount Dora, Florida. Built in 1988, only 35 ft. tall, the
lighthouse is a fully functional navigating light for the Port of Mount Dora, on
Lake Dora. It is the only inland freshwater lighthouse in Florida. Mount Dora's
1st settlers were the Simpson Family in 1874. The Postmaster gave the settlement
a name in 1880 by combining parts of his own children's names. In 1883 it was
renamed Mount Dora, as it is located on a plateau 184 feet above sea level and
borders Lake Dora. N4N will operate from 1500 UTC February 15, 2014 to 0200 UTC
February 16, 2014 (10:00 am to 9:00 pm local time on Saturday February 15, 2014.
Modes will be CW, SSB and PSK-31. See qrz.com webpages for N4N or KA4WJR -
follow instructions for QSL. QSL via eQSL or Direct ONLY (Carol Scoglio, 31 Lake
Wood Circle, Ocala, FL 34482 USA). Further information can be found on their
website at: 146970.com/lighthouse [KA4WJR]

20/02/2014:  The Palos Verdes Amateur Radio Club, K6PV, will be on a mini IOTA
expdition to Santa Catalina Island (NA-066, USi CA-016S, WLOTA 2912, Grid Loc.
DM03), Los Angeles county, California between 20-23 February 2014. QRV as K6PV/6
on 160m-70cm CW, SSB, PSK-31 and RTTY. They are not sure of activity on 6
metres. They will also participate in the CQWW 160M SSB Contest (21-23
February). INFO: Text/call +1 310 351 7679 during the activation for a sked, or
email lasnakeboy[AT]gmail[DOT]com . A special QSL card for this event will be
produced, and those requesting one should QSL direct to: PVARC, P.O. Box 2316,
Palos Verdes Peninsula, CA 90274 with an S.A.S.E. Website:
www.palosverdes.com/PVARC/ [rsgbiota.org]

01/03/2014:  Look for special event station 8N2HHH to be active on all bands and
modes between 1 March and 16 June 2014 for the Hamanako Flower Expo (or Hana
Haku) 2014 / The 31st Japan Parks and Urban Green Fair in Shizuoka-city (JCC
1801). Shizuoka-city is located in Shizuoka prefecture, Chubu region, on the
island of Honshu (AS-007, WLOTA 2376), Japan. [JJ1WTL/AC6IM]

13/03/2014:  Look for Aki, JR3QFB and Take, JS6RRR to be active from the island
of Aruba (SA-036, WLOTA 0033) as P40JH and P40R, respectively, between 13-18th
March 2014. Plans are to be QRV holiday style on 160-6 metres, all modes. QSL
via their home calls. [DX World]

11/05/2014:  Jose, EA5IDQ, plans activity from Iceland (EU-021, WLOTA 2975) as
TF/EA5IDQ between 11-22 May 2014. This is his first expedition and he will be
QRV holiday style on 40-10 metre SSB and the Digital modes. QSL via his home
call, bureau or direct. [NG3K]


20/12/2013:  Dionizy, SP6IEQ, will operate the special event call 3Z13XMAS until
30th December. QSL viaSP6IEQ and LoTW. [DXNL]

20/12/2013:  Jo, PA9JO, and Roberto, PB5X, will be running the special event
stations PA14HNY (December 19 - January 12 2014) and PB14HNY (December 13 -
Janaury 6 2014). QSLs via PA1AW. Website: www.pa9jo.com/_sgg/f10000.htm [DXNL]

20/12/2013:  R7378TM from Ufa is one of the special event stations operating in
the context of the Olympic Torch's relay through Russia. QRV from 20th December
2013 until 5th February 2014. QSL via RM8W. [DXNL]

20/12/2013:  Scouts from TIF Turkish Scouting and Guiding Federation will be
active once again as TC9SAM between 20-25 December 2013 for the Scouts paying
respect to Allahuekber Martyrs. All of the QSOs will be confirmed automatically
via the bureau. Website: www.tcswat.org/ [TCSWAT]

25/12/2013:  Look out for the traditional Christmas transmission from the
Swedish Longwave station SAQ in Grimeton. It starts at 0730z on 17.2 kHz.
Reception reports are welcome either via email: info[AT]alexander.n.se or via
mail to: Alexander-Grimeton Veteranradios Vaenner Radiostationen, Grimeton 72,
43298 Grimeton Schweden. [DXNL]

U.S.A. Special Events can be found at: www.arrl.org/special-event-stations


20/12-22/12  9M6/F4BKV: Pulau Labuan WLOTA:0456 QSL H/c OQRS
20/12-4/1/14  PJ4/K9HZ: Bonaire Island WLOTA:1279 QSL H/c (d)
22/12-29/12  PJ5/K6NAO: St. Eustatius Island WLOTA:1851 QSL JA1HGY/OQRS
24/12-25/12  JW/PY2SEX: Spitsbergen Island WLOTA:0125 QSL DL1NX (d)
26/12-30/12  ZX8DX: Pedra do Sal DFB:PI-03 WLOL:BRA-070 WLOTA:2825 QSL PT7CG (d)


20/12-4/1/14 PJ4/K9HZ: Bonaire Island SA-006 Grid:FK52 6m all mode QSL H/c (d)
22/12  ARRL CW Rookie Roundup 6m class  1800z-2359z
24/12  SKCC Straight Key Sprint QRO/QRP/6m class  0000z-0200z
24/12  LY 2.4GHz & Up Activity Contest CW/SSB/FM  1800z-2159z
24/12  NRAU Microwave Activity Contest SO/MO/Open  1800z-2200z
26/12  RSGB Christmas Cumulatives 6m-70cm/All modes  1400z-1600z
27/12  RSGB Christmas Cumulatives 6m-70cm/All modes  1400z-1600z

Contest Calendar: www.qsl.net/va3rj/con_dec.html

Information about current VHF activities can be found on the VHF DX portal "Make
More Miles on VHF" at: www.MMMonVHF.de/

SMIRK: www.smirk.org/
SOTA (Summits On The Air) Watch Alerts at: www.sotawatch.org/


QSL ZS2DL: As of January 1, 2014, NI5DX, Buzz, will no longer be assisting ZS2DL
as his manager.  Donovan has decided that he will handle his own QSLing.  Buzz
will continue to answer any QSL requests for contacts prior to January 1, 2014
until March 1st.  At that time, ALL requests for a ZS2DL card must go direct to
ZS2DL.  All bureau cards must go to ZS2DL as NI5DX will no longer reply to
bureau cards after January 1st. [K1XN]

The following operation is approved for DXCC credit:
T6TM - Afghanistan
Current operatio
73 es DX!
Bill Moore NC1L
Awards Branch Manager

QSLs via Bureau: CS28MCF, DD8D, DK0B, DL0AT, DL0WMS, DN7RR, DR1A, EI2CN,

QSLs via Direct: 5B4AJC (UA3DX), BY7RA/7 [AS-139] (H/c), CP1/UA4WHX (H/c),
EG3INT/7 [EU-152] (EA5KA), KL7RRC/P [NA-019] (N7RO), OA4/UA4WHX (H/c), T6T
ZA/UA4WHX (H/c) and ZM90DX (M0OXO OQRS).

QSLs via LoTW: 5J0R, KH2/N2NL, VU7AG and XR0ZR.


2014 DXpeditions by N7QT
Rob, N7QT has announced his DXpedition plans for 2014:
* April 2014 - San Andres (HK0/N7QT) 80m-10m CW/SSB, digital modes.
* October 2014 - Austral Islands (TX5D) holiday style dxpedition, primary focus
  on 80m/40m CW/SSB.
* November 2014 - Manihiki (E51), North Cooks, 80m -10m CW, SSB, digital modes.
Dates / updates to follow. [DX World]

LCL QSO Party -
The "Amateur Radio Lighthouse Society" (ARLHS) invites all hams
to take part in the "Lighthouse Christmas Lights 2013 QSO Party"
between December 21st/0001 UTC and January 1st /  2359 UTC.

NAQCC-FL Chapter Portable-Op 12-20-13
The Florida Chapter of NAQCC will hold its December field event this Friday,
December 20th from 9 AM - 2 PM on Hontoon Island in northern Florida.
Please look for us around 7.040, 10.116, 14.060 and 18.080 on CW as well as
18.130 MHz SSB.
Operators will include WB4MNK Art (#5274), Wally KG4LAL (#6278), Don K3RLL
(#1905) and a special guest operator Keith GI0SSA from Copeland Island(EU-122).

Z81D - now QRT (17 December 2013) -
Due to the escalating violence in Juba, South Sudan, Dima Z81D is now QRT.
"Due to the unstable security situation in Juba, I have packed all radios and
will transfer them to a safe place (if it will be safe?). I don’t know how long
this situation will remain, but until that time, I will be monitoring only and
there will be no activities from Z81D. Thanks to all and will back on air if all
going to be stable." [DX World]

From the Offices of Santa Claus
Lapland - The North of Finland
December 19, 2013


  Santa always appears on short notice every year, and so does OF9X from the
Land of Santa Claus. There is one thing that we cannot skip and that is
Christmas. It is because of all those wonderful children of the world who
persuade us busy people to settle down and remember that Christmas is after all
for children - for whose who truly believe. So, take a moment and join us -
welcome your children or grandchildren on a trip to Christmas world with the
dedication it deserves.
  Last year Santa became a figure in Amateur Radio with thousands of followers,
and more than 800 Santa Awards were issued throughout the world. Santa Radio
(OF9X) established itself also through the pages of QST, DL-QTC and Japanese CQ
Magazine. Santa is here to stay.
  Starting yesterday, Santa has been loading up his sleigh and will soon begin
his journey across the world. It all starts from Finnish Lapland and ends up on
Christmas Day in the United States. The main activity will be over this coming
weekend before Christmas and, as Santa is busy, his elves will be much of the
time at the controls of Santa Radio, OF9X. Just stop by and say hello. Santa
should be around 25KHz up the band edge (CW) and 14.225 KHz or thereabout.
  But something new has happened since last year - Santa has become a pro on
Morse code.
  In addition to SSB QSOs from a year ago or this year, you should now contact
Santa also on CW to qualify for the 2013 Santa Cold Winter (CW) Award. You
should track your two (2) QSOs on ClubLog at www.qrz.com/db/OF9X and send your
request by email to of9x@sral.fi. One of the QSOs should be from this year -
  If you don't manage to work Santa on CW or SSB, or you only make one QSO this
winter?  No problem - not everything is lost as you have the option of
compensating for the missing QSO by solving the Christmas Puzzle. Just send the
details of your one 2013 QSO together with the two mystery words from the
Puzzle, and you will qualify.
  In case you need any assistance in filling in the puzzle, you may ask Santa
for help - talk to OF9X and just point out the question line number and Santa
will whisper to you the needed word. But only two lines at the most. On CW
please just send "QSC NR". (Q-Santa-Claus)
  While Santa Cold Winter Awards will be sent free of charge by email to those
eligible, many have requested the Santa Award by post. Such a feature (OQRS)is
now introduced as part of the log checking procedure on the OF9X QRZ.com page.
  Santa's elves this year include Olli, OH0XX, Ville, OH1JD, Jaska, OH1TX,
Rami, OH2BCI, Pertti, OH2BEE, Martti, OH2BH, Kati, OH2FKX (YL), Mari, OH2FPK
(YL), Pekka, OH2TA, Pertti, OH2PM, Olli, OH6CT, Veijo, OH6KN, Kim, OH6KZP - and
even the busy old man Santa himself with all the gifts he's got, now CW
  Tap the Video and Audio button on the OF9X page at www.qrz.com/db/OF9X and
you can occasionally see Santa and hear how your own signal sounds in the Land
of Christmas.
  Merry Christmas to all Amateur Radio operators and their children and
grandchildren the world over. Enjoy your Christmas and share the joy of being
together. Always!

Santa Claus, OF9X  [Martti Laine, OH2BH]

73 and Good DX!
Dave Raycroft, VA3RJ
Home of I.C.P.O. & VEFF Program: www.qsl.net/va3rj/
Join the VEFF (Flora & Fauna) Forum at: groups.yahoo.com/group/VEFF/
Subscribe to ICPO Mailing List: mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/icpo
North American Checkpoint For:
World Lighthouses On The Air - WLOTA
Canadian Checkpoint For:
All Croatian Islands Award - ACIA
All Croatian Islands Award Group - ACIAG
The World Lighthouse Diplom - TWLHD/TWLHF
Official Representative & Co-Ordinator of WCA program for Canada.
Official Representative & Co-Ordinator of WorldWide Flora & Fauna (WWFF) Canada.
WWFF-council-member (representing VEFF).

I.C.P.O. Bulletin (13-20 December 2013)

on 3:38 PM

I.C.P.O. Bulletin (13-20 December 2013)
"Islands, Castles & Portable Operations"
Listing is by calendar date (day/month/year)
14/12/2013: Look for Patrick, F8DYD/p, to be active on 14th December 2013 from
the Castle of Rochefort (DFCF 86-112, commune of Mirebeau (CP 86110), canton of
Mirebeau (DDCF 86-15), Departement Vienne/86 and region of Poitou-Charentes (DPF
19). QRV on 80m starting 0600 UTC and 40m starting 0800 UTC. QSL via home call,
bureau preferred. [F8DYD]

14/12/2013: Bobby, MI0RYL, wants to activate Thorny Fort (CASHOTA GI-133, WAB
H93, WW Loc. IO64RI) as GN4PKT on the 14th of December 2013. QRV on HF according
to conditions, using CW and SSB. QSL via MI0RYL, direct or bureau. [DXNL]

14/12/2013: Mathias, DJ2HD and Ulmar, DK1CE plan a 4x4 trip through different
African countries between 14th December 2013 and 18th January 2014. From 14
December 2013 to 18 January 2014 they will be active from Namibia as V5/DJ2HD
and V5/DK1CE. This will include an entry in the 10m DARC SSB Contest (12th
January). Between 22-24th December 2013 they will be active from Lesotho as
7P8DJ (Mathias) and 7P8CE (Ulmar). They also plan to visit South Africa and
operate as ZS/homecalls. QRV on the HF bands, holiday style, using SSB and RTTY.
QSL 7P8CE via DH3WO and 7P8DJ via DJ2HD, direct or bureau. Website:
www.dj2hd.de/ [DX World]

15/12/2013: Members of the local radio club Syke (DOK I25) is going to activate
Naturschutzgebiet Noerdliches Wietingsmoor (WWFF DLFF-156) on the 15th of
December 2013 as DL7X, testing new antennas. QSL via bureau is preferred. [DXNL]

15/12/2013: Anders, SM4KYN, will be active from the Signal Point contest
station, island of Curacao (SA-099, WLOTA 0942) between 15th December 2013 and
15th January 2014. QRV on all HF bands and modes, propagation allowing. QSL via
home call, direct or bureau. [CCC]

15/12/2013: Mike, RW1AI will be active as RI1ANT from Progress Base (AA U-03,
WAP RUS-11, IOTA AN-016, WWFF RFF-165), Prydz Bay, Larsemann Hills, Princess
Elizabeth Land, Antarctica, between 15 December 2013 and 15 March 2015. Mike
will be QRV on all HF bands using dipoles + amp. QSL via RW1AI - Online Log at:
www.qsl.net/ua1ake/logs/ [DX World]

15/12/2013: Igor, UA3DJY, plans activity from Beau Vallon, Mahe Island (AF-024,
WLOTA 3286), Seychelle Archipelago, as S79ACR for one month beginning
mid-December. QRV holiday style on HF bands. QSL via home call. [DX World]

16/12/2013: Take, JG8NQJ will be back on Minami Torishima (OC-073) from 16
December 2013 until 18 March 2014. When there he works at the local weather
station and operates as JG8NQJ/JD1 in his spare time. Look for Take mainly on
17, 15, 12 and 10 metre CW, with some SSB. QSL via JG8NQJ (bureau) or JA8CJY
(direct). [425 DX News]

18/12/2013: Look for Steve, VE3OC, to be active as VP5/homecall from the island
of Providenciales (IOTA NA-002, WLOTA 2003), North Caicos, between 18-27th
December, 2013. QRV on the HF bands, holiday style (between scuba dives), using
Icom IC-7000, Buddiepole antenna, Lithium-Ion battery for portable use on the
beach and cliff sides. QSL direct to VE3OC (Stephen Woo, VP5/VE3OC, 56 Kerrigan
Crescent, Markham, ON L3R 7T9, Canada) with 3 USDs to cover postage and
printing. Website: www.qrz.com/db/vp5ve3oc [DX World]


22/12/2013: Nao, JN1RVS, will be active as PJ5/K6NAO from the island of St.
Eustatius (NA-145, WLOTA 1851, WWFF PAFF-025) between 22-29 December 2013. QRV
on 40-10m, CW, RTTY/PSK. QSL via OQRS/JA1HGY. Online log is hosted by ClubLog.
[DX World]

26/12/2013: Raimundo, PT7CG, will be active from Ilha Grande de Santa Isabel
(IOTA SA-025) and lighthouse (DFB PI-03, ARLHS BRA-070, WLOTA 2825, WW Loc.
GI97DE) as ZX8DX between 26-30 December 2013. QRV on the HF bands propagation
allowing. QSL via PT7CG and LoTW. [DX World]

11/01/2014: Operators Mek SP7VC, Ted SP3IPB and Kasia SQ7OYL plan a Caribbean
Tour of the following islands between 11-22 January 2014: 11-12 January as
FM/SP3IPB, FM/SP7VC and FM/SQ7OYL from the island of Martinique (NA-107, DIFO
FM-001, WLOTA 1041); 15-16 January as J79PB (QSL SP3IPB) and J79VC (QSL SP7VC)
from the island of Dominica (NA-101); 17-18 January as FG/SP3IPB, FG/SP7VC and
FG/SQ7OYL from the island of Guadeloupe (NA-102, DIFO FG-001, WLOTA 0644, WWFF
FFF-004); 18-22 January as VP2MPG and VP2MTK from the island of Montserrat
(NA-103, WLOTA 1475); 21 January only as V26/SP3IPB and V26/SP7VC from Antigua
(NA-100, WLOTA 1118); 23-29 January they will return to Dominica Island and be
active again as J79PB and J79VC. QSL via home calls. Further information on
their website at: http://www.sp7vc.dxing.pl/ [DX World]

10/02/2014: Eric, OE4AAC, will be returning to Rodrigues Island (AF-017, WLOTA
4265, WWFF 3BFF-004) between 10-18th February 2014. QRV holiday style as
3B9/OE4AAC on 40-10 metre CW. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [NG3K]

17/02/2014: Gildas, F6HMQ, will once again be active as TO22C from the island
of Guadeloupe (NA-102, DIFO FG-001, WLOTA 0644) between 20th February and 6th
March 2014. Activity all bands + entry in ARRL SSB Contest. QSL via F6HMQ. [DX

01/03/2014: Look for special event station 8N2HHH to be active on all bands and
modes between 1 March and 16 June 2014 for the Hamanako Flower Expo (or Hana
Haku) 2014 / The 31st Japan Parks and Urban Green Fair in Shizuoka-city (JCC
1801). Shizuoka-city is located in Shizuoka prefecture, Chubu region, on the
island of Honshu (AS-007, WLOTA 2376), Japan. [JJ1WTL/AC6IM]

23/07/2014: Ariff, VU3ARF and Asish, VU2GMT plan activity as VU3ARF/p from
Jambudwip [aka New] (AS-153), Sundarbans Archipelago (WWFF VUFF-091 - National
Park, UNESCO-World Heritage), located in the Bay of Bengal, West Bengal State,
India, between 23-31 July 2014. QRV on 40-10m SSB and CW, including an entry in
the RSGB IOTA Contest (26-27 July). QSL goes to VU3ARF by the bureau or direct
(Ariff Mohammad, 72/A Elliot Road, Calcutta 700016, India). Website:
http://vu3arf.org/ [rsgbiota.org]

26/07/2014: Lou, IK8HCG, plans a Single-Op entry in the RSGB IOTA Contest
(26-27 July 2014) as IB0R from the island of Ventotene (EU-045, IIA LT-011, MIA
MI-118, WWFF IFF-110, WW Loc. JN61FV), Lazio region, Italy. QSL direct only to
IK8HCG (QRZ.com). [NG3K]


Scouts from TIF Turkish Scouting and Guiding Federation will be active once
again as TC9SAM between 20-25 December 2013 for the Scouts paying respect to
Allahuekber Martyrs. All of the QSOs will be confirmed automatically via the
bureau. Website: www.tcswat.org/ [TCSWAT]

U.S.A. Special Events can be found at: www.arrl.org/special-event-stations


14/12-15/12 8P8T: Barbados Island WLOTA:0999 QSL KI1U (d)
15/12-15/1/14 PJ2/SM4KYN: Curacao Island WLOTA:0942 QSL H/c (d/B)
15/12-12/1/14 S79ACR: Mahe Island WLOTA:3286 QSL UA3DJY (d/B)
18/12-27/12 VP5/VE3OC: Providenciales Island WLOTA:2003 QSL H/c (d)


17/12 LY 1.3GHz Activity Contest CW/SSB/FM 1800z-2159z
17/12 NRAU 1.3GHz Activity Contest SO/MO/Open 1800z-2200z
17/12 RSGB 1.3GHz UKAC SO Fixed/Open 2000z-2230z
19/12 NRAU 70MHz Activity Contest SO/MO/Open 1800z-2200z

Contest Calendar: www.qsl.net/va3rj/con_dec.html

Information about current VHF activities can be found on the VHF DX portal "Make
More Miles on VHF" at: www.MMMonVHF.de/

SMIRK: www.smirk.org/
SOTA (Summits On The Air) Watch Alerts at: www.sotawatch.org/


The following operations are approved for DXCC credit:

9X0XA - Rwanda
2013 Operation

VU7AG - Lakshadweep Islands
November 20, 2013 through December 10, 2013

73 es DX!
Bill Moore NC1L
Awards Branch Manager

QSLs via Bureau: None to report this week! :o(

QSLs via Direct: 5A1AL (QRZ.com), 8R1A (W1CDC), CN8IG (EA7FTR), D44TXT (DL7AFS),
(OQRS), XV2V40J (JF1HJZ), YB3MM/P [OC-197] (IZ8CCW), YB3MM/2 [OC-186] (IZ8CCW),
YB3MM/4 [OC-262] (IZ8CCW), YE30P [OC-034] (YB9WR), YN2PX (AI5P) and ZC4LI (G3SWH

QSLs via LoTW: 5B/RV1CC, 5J0R, 8P5A, CR3E, DR1D, EB2AM, ES9C, FY5KE, HC2IOH,
S51YI, VP9I, XR0ZR, ZC4LI, ZD8X, ZF1A, ZM90DX and ZS8C.


Beth, 2W0VOW and John, ZS5J have arrived in Mozambique on 11th December and plan
to be active as C91B and C91J, respectively, near the town of Ponto do Ouro,
southern Mozambique. They will be QRV on the higher bands using 100W and 3 band
rotary dipole. Length of stay is unkown at this time. QSL both calls via John
Kramer, PO Box 102303, Meerensee, Richards Bay, KZN, 3901, South Africa. [DX

Last 2013 IOTA activity for me, and HP0INT QSL Status -
Quick email send from VR2 to inform that I will shortly be active for the last
time in 2013 from 3 Asia and Oceania IOTA's.(AS-019 from 9V, OC-088 from V8 and
OC-133 from 9M6). Nothing really rare and don't expect a full time activity as
radio is not the main purpose of the trip (but I always have my rig ready to
travel :). The first two will be limited to few hours only (AS-019 on Saturday
14 dec. and OC-088 on 17/18 dec.). the OC-133 will be active 'holiday style'
during 3 full days, the 20, 21 and 22 December from Labuan Island).
Also a short info regarding the Direct QSL requests for the Panama IOTA tour
HP0INT. I already send about 50% of the letters today, the remaining half will
be send on december 23rd, Most letters will be originating from VR2,except for
the ones that put a french stamp in their Direct request, they will have to wait
early january to get it posted. We hope all Direct QSL will reach you on time
for the January IOTA update.
Best 73
Vincent VR2/F4BKV

The final action to mark the 20th anniversary of the Russian Robinson Club (RRC)
will occur in Antarctica during the period of 17-31 December 2013. RRC Club
members Alexander Kuznetsov RW3RN (RRC #256) and Oleg Neruchev UA3HK/ZS1OIN (RRC
#349) will transmit with the jubilee call sign RI20ANT from the Russian
Antarctic station "Bellingshausen" on the island of King George (AA U-04, WAP
RUS-01, WLOTA 0312, WWFF RFF-154), South Shetland Islands (AN-010). As such, the
action starts on December 10 in the Argentinian city of Ushuaia when RW3RN
boards the vessel "Sea Explorer" en route Antarctica. As the mayor of Uvarovo
City, Tambov oblast, Alexander Kuznetsov is taking along the Tambov "Mother of
God" and "St. Pitirim" icons to the Holy Trinity Church, the only Russian
Orthodox church in Antarctica. The flag of the Russian Robinson Club will be
delivered to the Bellingshausen station as well. The main activity of RI20ANT on
the air is expected to be on 20m SSB and CW. The radio equipment includes a
Yaesu FT-1000MP transceiver and an all band antenna. QSL via RW3RN. At the
Bellingshausen station, beacon RI1ANG works around the clock on frequency 14101
kHz. If the beacon is heard, you can then call RI20ANT on frequency 14160 kHz
+/- QRM. The time difference with Moscow Standard Time is minus 8 hours (MSK-8).
For more information about the Russian Bellingshausen station, read the article
written by its chief Oleg Neruchev (RI1ANU) "Antarctica, 58th RAE" in the
journal "Radio" issue number 10 dated 11/2013 at: www.radio.ru/ . Radio contacts
with RI20ANT counts for the "Russian Robinson Club - 20 years" Jubilee Diploma
and are worth 3 points (repeatable on different bands), and count for the rule
of having one mandatory contact with the main jubilee call R20RRC. Those who did
not make the contact with R20RRC have a chance to make it before the end of the
year with RI20ANT. Rules for the RRC-20 diploma can be seen on:
www.robinsons.ru/ [Special thanks to Will, WC6DX, for the translation from
Russian to English language of UA9OBA's original information.]

73 and Good DX!
Dave Raycroft, VA3RJ
Home of I.C.P.O. & VEFF Program: www.qsl.net/va3rj/
Join the VEFF (Flora & Fauna) Forum at: groups.yahoo.com/group/VEFF/
Subscribe to ICPO Mailing List: mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/icpo
North American Checkpoint For:
World Lighthouses On The Air - WLOTA
Canadian Checkpoint For:
All Croatian Islands Award - ACIA
All Croatian Islands Award Group - ACIAG
The World Lighthouse Diplom - TWLHD/TWLHF
Official Representative & Co-Ordinator of WCA program for Canada.
Official Representative & Co-Ordinator of WorldWide Flora & Fauna (WWFF) Canada.
WWFF-council-member (representing VEFF).

I.C.P.O. Bulletin (06-13 December 2013)

on 4:21 AM

I.C.P.O. Bulletin (06-13 December 2013)
"Islands, Castles & Portable Operations"
Listing is by calendar date (day/month/year)
06/12/2013:  Look for Jeff, K8ND, to be active as PJ2T from the Signal Point
contest station, Curacao Island (SA-099, WLOTA 0942) during the ARRL 160-Meter
Contest (6-8 December). Plans are for a Single-Op/High-Power entry. QSL goes via

06/12/2013:  Fabio, PP5BZ, will be activating Santana de Fora Island (SA-088,
DIB SC-10), in Imbituba/SC, between 6-9th December 2013 using the callsign ZW5W.
It will be a Mini-DXpedition! Fabio will use some days of his holidays to make
some contacts and to pass time on a few different days. QRV on 80-10 metre CW
and SSB, possibly some RTTY. QSL via home call, direct or bureau - please NO
eQSL. Website: www.qrz.com/db/ZW5W [PP5BZ]

07/12/2013:  Look for Alan VK4WR as E6RQ and Graeme VK4FI as E6SG to be active
from the Coral Gardens Motel, Alofi, Niue Island (OC-040, WLOTA 2139 WW Loc.
AH50AX) between 7-17th December, 2013. QRV holiday style on the HF bands. QSL
both calls via VK4FI, direct (SAE + $2 US POSTAGE). [DX World]

07/12/2013:  On Saturday December 7th 2013 Flemming, OZ5FM and Jakob, OZ7AEI
plan to activate Hald Soe (WWFF OZFF-103). Hald Soe is one of the deepest lakes
in Central Jutland, Denmark. They will be on the air with 2 stations and hope to
start around 7:00 UTC for 5 to 6 hours. Look for them to be QRV on 80m + 40m +
20m + 17m + (15m + 10m only if open) SSB. QSL via home calls, bureau or direct.

07/12/2013:  Manuel XE2HUQ, Saul XE2HQI, Craig XE2HWJ and Felix XE2I plan to be
active from Partida Island (NA-124), La Paz, Baja California Sur, Mexico, as
XF1P between 7-14th December, 2013. Full details to follow.. [DX News]

07/12/2013:  Mark, AA1AC, will once again be active as 6W/AA1AC from La Calao
Resort, La Somone, Senegal, between 8-14th December, 2013. QSL direct or bureau
to his home callsign. [OPDX Bulletin]

07/12/2013:  Jose, PU5IKE, will be active from Remedios Island [Ilha dos
Remedios] (SA-027, WW Loc. GG53RM), Santa Catarina State, Brazil, as ZW5AAA
between 7-8th December, 2013. QRV on 10 metre SSB. Jose will also activate the
Ilha da Paz lighthouse (ARLHS BRA-137) following the line-of-sight rules. QSL to
PU5IKE, direct, via the bureau, LoTW and eQSL. QSLs from SWLs are wellcome.
Website: www.qrz.com/db/ZW5AAAA [DX World]

09/12/2013:  Operators Mike KI1U (8P9IU), Bruce K0BJ (8P9BJ) and Mike N1TA
(8P9TA) will be active from the island of Barbados (NA-021, WLOTA 0999), on all
bands and modes, from 9-16 December 2013. This will include a Multi-Op entry in
the ARRL 10M Contest (14-15 December), using the callsign 8P8T. QSL via the
individual operators' home call. QSL 8P8T via KI1U. [DXAT]

09/12/2013:  Freddy, FK8RO (F5IRO), will be active as FK8RO/p from Ouvea Island
(OC-033, DIFO FK-018) on 9-13 December 2013. He plans to be QRV on 40-10 metres
CW with wire antennas. QSL via QSL via F5IRO, direct or bureau. [425 DX News]

11/12/2013:  Scott, K7ZO, will once again sign YN5Z from San Juan del Sur,
Nicaragua, between 11-18th December 2013 on 20-10 metres, using spiderbeaam. He
will also participate in the ARRL 10-Meter Contest (14-15 December). QSL via
K7ZO and LoTW. [NG3K]

11/12/2013:  A "fresh crew" will operate the ARRL 10 Meter Contest during the
weekend of 14-15th December 2013 as PJ2T from the Signal Point super-station,
island of Curacao (SA-099, WLOTA 0942). Operators Mark N5OT, Dave W6DR, Yin
N9YS, Mike NT6X and Geoff W0CG (PJ2DX) will mostly arrive on 11th December.
Outside the contest the team will be active as PJ2/homecalls. QSL PJ2T via W3HNK
and LoTW. QSL others via their home calls. [OPDX Bulletin]


15/12/2013:  Anders, SM4KYN, will be active from the Signal Point contest
station, island of Curacao (SA-099, WLOTA 0942) between 15th December 2013 and
15th January 2014. QRV on all HF bands and modes, propagation allowing. QSL via
home call, direct or bureau. [CCC]

21/12/2013:  Imam YB4IR, Budi YF1AR and Joppy YB8XM plan to be active as
YB4IR/8, YF1AR/8 and YB8XM/p, respectively, from Kisar Island (OC-272, WW Loc.
PI31NW) from 21-25 December 2013. They will be QRV on 40-10 metre CW and SSB.
QSL YB4IR/8 direct to YB4IR and also via OQRS, LoTW and the bureau. QSL YF1AR/8
and YB8XM/p via home calls (see QRZ.com). [JN6RZM]

17/01/2014:  Jeff, K8ND, will once again be active from the Signal Point contest
station, island of Curacao (SA-099, WLOTA 0942) as PJ2/K8ND between 17-29th
January 2014. This will include a Single-Op entry in the CQWW 160-Meter CW
Contest (24-26 January), using the callsign PJ2T. QSL via home call and LoTW.
QSL PJ2T via W3HNK and LoTW. [CCC]

24/02/2014:  Look for Klaus, DK1AX and Heidi, DK1MA to be active holiday style
as A35AX from Tongatapu (OC-049) and Vava'u (OC-064), between 24 February and 7
March 2014. Plans are to be active on the HF bands using CW, SSB and RTTY. QSL
via ClubLog OQRS is preferred. [DX World]

25/02/2014:  Alan, G3XAQ, will return to Kampala, Uganda, and operate as 5X1XA
between 25th February and 16 March 2014. CW only activity on the HF bands. Alan
will also participate in the RSGB Commonwealth Contest (8-9 March). QSL via
G3SWH OQRS and LoTW. Log will be hosted by ClubLog. [NG3K]

03/03/2014:  Bob, G3PJT, will once again sign J34G from the Coral Cove area of
L'Anse aux Epines, island of Grenada (NA-024, WLOTA 0718, WW Loc. FK92CA) from
3-10 March 2014. QRV holiday style on the HF bands, including an entry in the
RSGB Commonwealth Contest (8-9 March). There is also the possibility of some
SOTA activity. QSL only via G3PJT by email (bob [AT] g3pjt.com) request for
bureau, cards not required. If you want a direct QSL - send QSO info plus 2USD
and SASE to Bob Whelan, 36 Green End, Comberton, Cambridge CB23 7DY, England.
Please note that Bob do NOT accept IRCs. [DXAT]

18/04/2014:  Tim, LW9EOC, plans activity from San Andres Island (NA-033, WLOTA
2990, WWFF HKFF-035) as HK0/LW9EOC between 18-25th April 2014. QRV on 80-10m CW
and SSB. QSL via home call. [DXAT]


06/12/2013:  Special callsign HA40QRP is currently active until 31 December 2013
for the jubilee celebration of the 40th HA QRP Contest. QSL via HA6NL, eQSL and
direct (QRZ.com). [DXNL]

08/12/2013:  Look for special event station 8J6HAM to be aired between 8th
December 2013 and 2nd March 2014, on all bands and modes, for the 13th West
Japan Ham Fair, island of Kyushu (AS-077, WLOTA 0963), Japan. QSL via the bureau
is preferred. [JJ1WTL/AC6IM]

11/12/2013:  Operators Jose EA5FL, Sal EA5DY, Nando EA5GVZ and Juan EC5JC will
activate special event station EG5MM on 11th December 2013 to celebrate
International Mountain Day (See QRZ.com for details). QSL via EA5FL. [OPDX

U.S.A. Special Events can be found at: www.arrl.org/special-event-stations


06/12-08/12  PJ2T: Curacao Island WLOTA:0942 QSL W3HNK (d)
07/12-17/12  E6RQ: Niue Island WLOTA:2139 QSL VK4FI (d)
07/12-17/12  E6SG: Niue Island WLOTA:2139 QSL VK4FI (d)
07/12-08/12  ZW5AAA: Ilha da Paz WLOL:BRA-137 QSL PU5IKE (d/B)
08/12-09/12  JA4GXS/6: Yonakuni Shima WLOTA:1035 QSL H/c (d/B)
09/12-16/12  8P9BJ: Barbados Island WLOTA:0999 QSL K0BJ (d/B)
09/12-16/12  8P9IU: Barbados Island WLOTA:0999 QSL KI1U (d/B)
09/12-16/12  8P9TA: Barbados Island WLOTA:0999 QSL N1TA (d/B)
11/12-15/12  PJ2/N5OT: Curacao Island WLOTA:0942 QSL H/c (d)
11/12-15/12  PJ2/N9YS: Curacao Island WLOTA:0942 QSL H/c (d)
11/12-15/12  PJ2/NT6X: Curacao Island WLOTA:0942 QSL H/c (d)
11/12-15/12  PJ2/W6DR: Curacao Island WLOTA:0942 QSL H/c (d)
11/12-15/12  PJ2DX: Curacao Island WLOTA:0942 QSL W0CG (d)


08/12  RSGB 144MHz AFS Contest Single Op Fixed/Open  1000z-1700z
08/12  SKCC Weekend Sprintathon QRO/QRP/6m class  1200z-2359z
10/12  LY 432MHz Activity Contest CW/SSB/FM  1800z-2159z
10/12  NRAU 432MHz Activity Contest SO/MO/Open  1800z-2200z
10/12  RSGB 432MHz UKAC SO Fixed/Open  2000z-2230z
11/12  MOON Contest 432MHz CW/Digital/FM/SSB  1900z-2100z
12/12  LY 50MHz Activity Contest CW/SSB/FM  1800z-2159z
12/12  NRAU 50MHz Activity Contest SO/MO/Open  1800z-2200z

Contest Calendar: www.qsl.net/va3rj/con_dec.html

Information about current VHF activities can be found on the VHF DX portal "Make
More Miles on VHF" at: www.MMMonVHF.de/

SMIRK: www.smirk.org/
SOTA (Summits On The Air) Watch Alerts at: www.sotawatch.org/


QSLs via Bureau: 3DA0VB, 4K0VB, 5H3VMB, 5X1NH, 5X1VB, 5Z4/UA4WHX, 7Q7VB, 7P8D,
8Q7TE, 9J2VB, 9U5VB, 9X0VB, A25VB, A61BK, AH0J, C91VB, D20VB, EL2LF, FH/DL7BC,

QSLs via Direct: 5H1DX [AF-063] (DF8DX), 6V7Q (F8IJV), 9L1BTB (SP5BTB), A92HK
(cba), E6AK (JA1KJW), E6AY (JA1JQY), ER5LL (QRZ.com), FO/KH0PR [OC-062]
(JJ8DEN), FO/KH0PR [OC-094] (JJ8DEN), FO/KH0PR [OC-114] (JJ8DEN), FO/KH0PR
[OC-131] (JJ8DEN), FO/KH0PR [OC-238] (JJ8DEN), FW5JJ (F5RXL), SV5PFC (QRZ.com),
TI5W (N3YIW), TM0SM (F5CWU), YB9GV/P [OC-150] (EA7FTR OQRS), YF1AR/6 [OC-245]
(N2OO) and YF1AR/9 [OC-275] (N2OO).

QSLs via LoTW: C82DX, J34G, J88HL, K9W, KH6/N2AU, KH8/N7AFW, OA4/N7CW, XR0ZR and


ARRL Granted Use of W100AW for League's Centennial
Special Bulletin 13  ARLX013
From ARRL Headquarters
Newington CT  December 5, 2013
To all radio amateurs
  The FCC has authorized the Maxim Memorial Station W1AW to also use the call
sign W1ØØAW during 2014, the ARRL's centennial year. Contacts made from the
Maxim Memorial Station in Newington, from regional Centennial conventions, and
during the IARU HF Championship will use W100AW, with portable designators as
appropriate. The "W1AW WAS" operations throughout 2014 from each of the 50
states will use W1AW, not W1ØØAW.
  Bulletins and code practice transmissions during 2014 also will still use
W1AW. Contacts with W100AW will be worth 100 points in the ARRL Centennial QSO
Party. To help kick off the ARRL Centennial, special W100AW activity will begin
at 0500 UTC on January 1, 2014 (midnight in Newington), and will include
participation in ARRL's Straight Key Night; one CW station will use Hiram Percy
Maxim's straight key. Activity will continue throughout New Year's Day.

A group of six operators from the UK will operate from the island of Raivavae
(OC-114, DIFO FO-122, WLOTA 2581), in the Australs, from 20th March until 1st
April, all bands CW, SSB and RTTY. The operators are Don G3BJ, Chris G3SVL,
Nigel G3TXF, David G3WGN, Don G3XTT, Hilary G4JKS and Justin G4TSH. They plan
to run up to three stations, each consisting of a K3 plus amplifier. Antennas
will consist of various vertical systems on the beach. The team will upload
logs to Clublog and, bandwidth permitting, will also be uploading to LoTW as
the expedition progresses. QSLs will be handled by G3TXF and requests can be
made directly or via the Clublog OQRS facility. After the DXpedition most
members of the team will be attending the International DX Convention at
Visalia. A website will be launched with further details once the callsign and
other details are confirmed.

  The final action to mark the 20th anniversary of the Russian Robinson Club
(RRC) will occur in Antarctica during the period of December 17 to 31. RRC Club
members Alexander Kuznetsov RW3RN (RRC #256) and Oleg Neruchev UA3HK/ZS1OIN (RRC
#349) will  transmit with the jubilee call sign RI20ANT from the Russian
Antarctic station "Bellingshausen" on the island of King George (IOTA AN-010).
  As such, the action starts on December 10 in the Argentinian city of Ushuaia
when RW3RN boards the vessel "Sea Explorer" en route Antarctica.  As the mayor
of Uvarovo City, Tambov oblast, Alexander Kuznetsov is taking along the Tambov
"Mother of God" and "St. Pitirim" icons to the Holy Trinity Church, the only
Russian Orthodox church in Antarctica.  The flag of the Russian Robinson Club
will be delivered to the Bellingshausen station as well.
  The main activity of RI20ANT on the air is expected to be on 20m SSB and CW.
The radio equipment includes a Yaesu FT-1000MP transceiver and an all band
antenna. QSL via RW3RN.  At the Bellingshausen station, beacon RI1ANG works
around the clock on frequency 14101 kHz. If the beacon is heard, you can then
call RI20ANT on frequency 14160 kHz +/- QRM.  The time difference with Moscow
Standard Time is minus 8 hours (MSK-8). For more information about the Russian
Bellingshausen station, read the article written by its chief Oleg Neruchev
(RI1ANU) "Antarctica, 58th RAE" in the journal "Radio" issue number 10 dated
11/2013 - http://www.radio.ru/.
  Radio contacts with RI20ANT count for the "Russian Robinson Club - 20 years"
Jubilee Diploma and are worth 3 points (repeatable on different bands), and
count for the rule of having one mandatory contact with the main jubilee call
R20RRC. Those who did not make the contact with R20RRC have a chance to make it
before the end of the year with RI20ANT.  Rules for the RRC-20 diploma can be
seen on http://www.robinsons.ru/. [UA9OBA]

DXped to Vanuatu:
  Paul ZL4PW, Phil ZL3PAH and I have begun some early stage planning for a
small DXpedition to YJ Vanuatu. We are planning to go for about two weeks,
around mid-April 2014.
  We are looking for a fourth and final operator. Ideally someone with
contest/pileup experience; CW skills would be nice.
  We are tentatively planning to operate on all bands from 10 to 160 using CW,
SSB and Data.
  We chose YJ first because it's on the ClubLog top 100 most wanted list (#91).
It's also relatively close and easy to get to; Air NZ flies there, and fares are
reasonable. Good lodging right on the beach is available for a fair price. It’s
not a desert island, totally removed from civilization; there are some beautiful
and interesting things to see.
  We're not planning a holiday-type DXped, nor are we after serious all-out
competition mode, but rather something in between: operating for long, but not
extreme hours every day, with a break or two along the way to do a little
  This is likely to be either an unsponsored or very lightly sponsored trip, so
each of us will be covering our own expenses.
  If you might be interested, please contact me off-list, and we can take it
from there.

73 and Good DX!
Dave Raycroft, VA3RJ
Home of I.C.P.O. & VEFF Program: www.qsl.net/va3rj/
Join the VEFF (Flora & Fauna) Forum at: groups.yahoo.com/group/VEFF/
Subscribe to ICPO Mailing List: mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/icpo
North American Checkpoint For:
World Lighthouses On The Air - WLOTA
Canadian Checkpoint For:
All Croatian Islands Award - ACIA
All Croatian Islands Award Group - ACIAG
The World Lighthouse Diplom - TWLHD/TWLHF
Official Representative & Co-Ordinator of WCA program for Canada.
Official Representative & Co-Ordinator of WorldWide Flora & Fauna (WWFF) Canada.
WWFF-council-member (representing VEFF).